Recently, I had the pleasure..
Oh, yes! The pleasure of sharing my unique abilities to teach Laughter Yoga. Laughter Yoga has taken me on many journey's, from Women's Conventions, to Luncheons, to Business Team Building Meetings, to now.. Retreats! Last week I was in Charleston, SC at the Body Mind Mastermind Retreat and I had the pleasure of meeting some fabulous people! Along with that I had the pleasure to lead them every morning in a laughter yoga session! It was such a blast to hear how this enhanced the overall retreat experience. Listen to Terri share her experience below!
This was one magical experience indeed!
What is Laughter Yoga and how can you receive a taste of this infectious joy? Sooooo simple, my friend! CLICK HERE to receive 10 Days of Juicy Happiness!
Brittney Hiller is a professional yoga teacher, speaker, and founder of Effervescence YogaSpa.
She loves living a life of inspiration, joy, and happiness! She genuinely teaches others how to create and live in their own happiness through her Yes To Possibility! Coaching Program and Laughter Yoga.
She may be reached personally at